In stock All niche perfumes CORIANDER - 10ml D.S. & Durga 235/W/CORPP €72.00 Pocket perfume oil 10ml Coriander is fresh, green, pungent, and evocative of the grass, the expanse of fields, the sweeping sea. It is on these qualities that the fragrance Coriander is based. It is the coriander of the hills above Odessa on the Black Sea, fresh and pungent coriander heightened by sappy green lime peels and the aggressive herbal scrawl... Add to basket
In stock All niche perfumes PACIFIC ROCK MOSS - TRAVEL SIZE Goldfield & Banks GB333304 €30.00 Eau de Parfum, 10ml AQUATIC & ICONIC Seize the day and experience a moment of pure bliss with this aquatic and fresh perfume. Add to basket
In stock All niche perfumes L'HUMANISTE - TRAVEL SIZE 1016 €55.00 Eau de Parfum 15ml It is in the Renaissance that perfume, a princely pastime in Italian courts, became an art in France. And when François Rabelais imagined the Abbey of Thelema as a utopian centre of humanist culture, he included the use of the most delicate fragrances – rose water, orange blossom water and ‘angel water’ – among the refined pleasures of... Add to basket
Pre order All niche perfumes PACIFIC ROCK MOSS - LIMITED EDITION GB01030104 €167.00 Eau de Parfum, 100ml & 10ml travel size. AQUATIC & ICONIC Seize the day and experience a moment of pure bliss with this aquatic and fresh perfume. A distinctive marine note, graced with aromatic essences brings you on a lush coastal walk on a perfect summer day. Cedar wood gives this perfume a sturdy base on which to reveal a fresh, sea spray... Add to basket
In stock All niche perfumes UNE VERVEINE - TRAVEL SIZE VER9 €29.00 Eau de Parfum, 9ml An aromatic and zesty charm in a brand new travel size "What I like about verbena is its very natural, almost therapeutic character", says Amélie Bourgeois, perfumer at Flair, who proposed the idea of the very distinctive verbena to David Frossard to round off Obvious' olfactory portfolio. "It is an obvious scent that is part of our... Add to basket
In stock All niche perfumes SILKY WOODS ELIXIR - TRAVEL SIZE GB030204 €53.00 Perfume extract, 10ml Venturing deeper into this abundant grove of Australian agarwood A captivating perfume that draws its wearer into the wildness of Silky Woods' already woody heart. Awakening the senses, Silky Woods Elixir is an ode to the agarwood secretly harvested in Australia’s tropical north. This rare and spiritual species, cherished for... Add to basket
In stock All niche perfumes MYSTIC BLISS - TRAVEL SIZE GB030111 €32.00 Eau de parfum, 10mlA blissful eau de parfum Opening with abreeze of top notes evoking Flinders Island’s diverse impressions, Mystic Bliss is at once bracing and beautiful. Discover the 100ml now. Add to basket
In stock Discovery sets PACIFIC ROCK MOSS DELUXE BOX GB240104 €167.00 Eau de parfum, 100ml Goldfield & Banks Deluxe Box This year the Goldfield & Banks Christmas sets include 3 of its best sellers in the Native Collection: Sunset Hour, Pacific Rock Moss and Silky Woods from the Botanical Series. Each 100ml perfume will be accompanied by 10ml Travel Size in a beautiful Goldfield & Banks luxury gift box. Add to basket