In stock All niche perfumes ROUGE SMOKING - 10ml BDK Parfums RS10 (1 review) €42.00 BDK PARFUMS Eau de Parfum, 10ml Add to basket
In stock All niche perfumes PAS CE SOIR - 10ml BDK Parfums PS10 (1 review) €42.00 BDK PARFUMS Eau de Parfum, 10ml Add to basket
In stock All niche perfumes BOUQUET DE HONGRIE - 10ml BDK Parfums BH10 €42.00 BDK PARFUMS Eau de Parfum, 10ml Add to basket
Pre order All niche perfumes VELVET TONKA - 10ml VT10 €42.00 Eau de Parfum, 100ml Velvet Tonka, pays tribute to the Moroccan origins of the brand's founder, David Benedek, but also to the iconography linked to this region of the world, through its flavors and landscapes, like a gourmet breath coming straight from the Atlas mountains. Add to basket
In stock All niche perfumes TUBÉREUSE IMPÉRIALE - 10ml TI10 €42.00 Eau de parfum, 10ml A crown of sunshine: the envy of all flowers Nonchalant, she walks with regular strides. Her headpiece and the swing of her hips are well rehearsed. She doesn’t want to seem to pretty in her white headdress. Sovereign, she faints ignorance while passer-by’s stares cover the light coloured turban that unfolds in a corolla. Add to basket
In stock All niche perfumes CRÈME DE CUIR - 10ml CC10 €42.00 BDK PARFUMSEau de Parfum, 10ml Add to basket
Out-of-Stock All niche perfumes GRIS CHARNEL - TRAVEL SIZE GC10 €42.00 BDK PARFUMS Eau de Parfum, 10ml View
In stock All niche perfumes OUD ABRAMAD - 10ml OA10 €42.00 Eau de parfum, 10ml The light coloured marble has kept the intoxicating heat of the day It seems as if the lush garden is soothing, and the trees open their arms. The desert’s night creeps under the arcades and the garden seems circled by alcoves. Add to basket
In stock All niche perfumes VANILLE LEATHER - 10ml VL10 €42.00 Eau de Parfum, 10ml A fragrance that celebrates the majesty of vanilla Vanille Leather honors vanilla, a precious spice from Madagascar, in a creation with voluptuous and textured tones. Majestic, it invites you on an olfactory journey between warmth and sensuality. It melts into a trilogy of Indian tuberose, Egyptian jasmine and orange blossom. To this... Add to basket