In stock All niche perfumes LA VUE - ETUDE 1.1 PNTLGSPE1.1 €180.00 PENTALOGIES PARFUMS Eau de Parfum 100ml The Eye: Organ of the Cosmos Etude 1.1 is engraved in a monochrome universe, a universe without contour. The accord is intense, pale, and mysterious, like a veil of stars. Suspended, it imposes its slow rhythm; we learn how to experience its different parts in order to comprehend its sillage. We love its aldehydic... Add to basket
In stock All niche perfumes L'OUÏE - ETUDE 1.2 PNTLGSPE1.2 €180.00 PENTALOGIES PARFUMS Eau de Parfum 100ml The Ear: Organ of the Deep Etude 1.2 reveals an immeasurable chill trickling on pearlescent wood. A quest for harmony and precision and a purity born from the salty and opaline ripples. Its consistent rhythm and elegant delicacy envelope and reassure. Add to basket
In stock All niche perfumes LE TOUCHER - ETUDE 1.3 PNTLGSPE1.3 (1 review) €180.00 PENTALOGIES PARFUMS Eau de Parfum 100ml The Skin: Organ of desire Etude 1.3 is venom, searing and electrifying, It’s flesh against flesh, a tactile and narcotic bolt of lightning. Penetrating and sensual. This solar heat invites touch and reveals the animality of desire. Add to basket
In stock All niche perfumes LE GOÛT - ETUDE 1.4 PNTLGSPE1.4 €180.00 PENTALOGIES PARFUMS Eau de Parfum 100ml The Mouth: Organ of Myth Etude 1.4 elucidates a baroque universe: velvets the color of warm honey, intense pigments of a luxurious jungle. Lulled by this salty-sweet indolence, we’re exposed to the hidden danger which strikes before we’re able to flee. This is the junction between desire and danger. Add to basket
In stock All niche perfumes L'ODORAT - ETUDE 1.5 PNTLGSPE1.5 (1 review) €180.00 PENTALOGIES PARFUMS Eau de Parfum 100ml The Nose: Organ of Memory Glistening hide, Etude 1.5 marries the reassuring aura of the morning’s coffee grounds with the indelible imprint of a roll of film. Towering Olympian, cold and immobile, its grandeur dwells in its incorruptible righteousness. Add to basket
-50% In stock All niche perfumes MUD P9 €95.00 €190.00 Eau de parfum, 50ml Hazy scent of wet soil amidst the rain The pouring rain cools off the ground. Water fiercely falls from edge of the roof, raindrops splashes between the grass, and the ground turns to mud. The subtle scent of the water, the wet grass, and muddy ground permeates the air. Add to basket
-50% In stock All niche perfumes HINOKI SHOWER P6 (2 reviews) €95.00 €190.00 Eau de parfum, 50ml The cigarette after the sex in the woods. Damp and dewy A night spent in the old cabin in the woods. Lighting a cigarette as we walk into the forest, which was still moist from rain. Add to basket
-50% In stock All niche perfumes SEX & COGNAC P4 €95.00 €190.00 Eau de parfum, 50ml Silent night. Warm bodies Seductive and smoldering scent of aged cognac blend into a sensual eau de parfum. Add to basket
-50% In stock All niche perfumes ZEST Z&T P3 €95.00 €190.00 Eau de parfum, 50ml A steamy summer night Overgrown grass and its thick scent. Jumping naked into cold lake. Inspired by world-famous Gin & Tonic of Zest Seoul. Add to basket
-50% In stock All niche perfumes DGAF P15 €95.00 €190.00 Eau de parfum, 50ml Scent of liberty & madness. Untamed, unleashed and uncensored Dirty desires are inherent within ourselves. Abstemious way of life is praised, and restraining yourself from surfacing any desires are encouraged. But regardless of which era we live in, desires exist. And their fundamental nature is identical. Add to basket
-50% In stock All niche perfumes NSFW P13 €95.00 €190.00 Eau de parfum, 50ml A rose bush in a dark Dusky, and cold air. Beauty in sadness, but magnificence in darkness. Discover forbiden pleasure trough a delicate thorny rose blend into a sensual eau de parfum. Add to basket
-50% In stock All niche perfumes BURNT ROSES P12 (1 review) €95.00 €190.00 Eau de parfum, 50ml A scent of dead rose vine. A dry and withered being, stomped upon by those who once loved A withered love incarnate by a bouquet of roses and dried violets. Witnesses of a passion whose embers fade as time goes by. But ready to reborn when the love one will appear. Add to basket
-50% In stock All niche perfumes UNHOLY OUD P11 €95.00 €190.00 Eau de Parfum, 50mlFlowers in the dark. Unbalanced allure. Enigma.The both sensual and mysterious glance of that person you just met. Unexplainable attraction lead by smoky notes of ensens blend into a delicious Turkish and Bulgarian roses bouquet. Add to basket