In stock All niche perfumes ALEKSANDR Arquiste 1601100 €190.00 ARQUISTEEau de Parfum, 100ml Add to basket
In stock All niche perfumes SYDNEY ROCK POOL 3001100 €190.00 ARQUISTEEau de Parfum, 100ml Add to basket
In stock All niche perfumes MISFIT 3101100 (1 review) €190.00 ARQUISTE Eau de Parfum, 100ml Add to basket
In stock All niche perfumes PEAU 3201100 €190.00 Eau de Parfum, 100ml Exclusively at Liquides Peau focuses on the tragic love story between Hadrian and Antinoös, allowing us to explore the theme of adoration. Hadrian exalted Antinoös’ image through thousands of statues and portraits, showing us how the antique world defined the spiritual presence in the physical shape of the body. For perfumers, the... Add to basket
In stock All niche perfumes INDIGO SMOKE 3401100 (1 review) €190.00 Eau de parfum, 100ml May 1646,Wuyi Mountains, Fujian Evoking the traditional smoking of tea leaves in ancient China, Indigo Smoke is an aromatic landscape of narrow serpentine rivers, blue mountains and incense-filled temples condensed into a complex formula of black tea, woody notes and incense. Rich, sophisticated and long-lasting. With notes of lapsang... Add to basket
-50% In stock All niche perfumes HINOKI SHOWER P6 (2 reviews) €95.00 €190.00 Eau de parfum, 50ml The cigarette after the sex in the woods. Damp and dewy A night spent in the old cabin in the woods. Lighting a cigarette as we walk into the forest, which was still moist from rain. Add to basket
-50% In stock All niche perfumes ZEST Z&T P3 €95.00 €190.00 Eau de parfum, 50ml A steamy summer night Overgrown grass and its thick scent. Jumping naked into cold lake. Inspired by world-famous Gin & Tonic of Zest Seoul. Add to basket
-50% In stock All niche perfumes DGAF P15 €95.00 €190.00 Eau de parfum, 50ml Scent of liberty & madness. Untamed, unleashed and uncensored Dirty desires are inherent within ourselves. Abstemious way of life is praised, and restraining yourself from surfacing any desires are encouraged. But regardless of which era we live in, desires exist. And their fundamental nature is identical. Add to basket
-50% In stock All niche perfumes UNHOLY OUD P11 €95.00 €190.00 Eau de Parfum, 50mlFlowers in the dark. Unbalanced allure. Enigma.The both sensual and mysterious glance of that person you just met. Unexplainable attraction lead by smoky notes of ensens blend into a delicious Turkish and Bulgarian roses bouquet. Add to basket