In stock All niche perfumes LACRIMA LAC100 (4 reviews) €200.00 LIQUIDES IMAGINAIRES Eau de Parfum, 100ml Add to basket
In stock All niche perfumes MELANCOLIA MEL100 €200.00 LIQUIDES IMAGINAIRES Eau de Parfum, 100ml Add to basket
In stock All niche perfumes WOOD JASMIN WOOD100 €205.00 BDK PARFUMS Eau de Parfum, 100ml Add to basket
In stock All niche perfumes ROUGE SMOKING - 10ml RS10 (1 review) €42.00 BDK PARFUMS Eau de Parfum, 10ml Add to basket
In stock All niche perfumes PAS CE SOIR - 10ml PS10 (1 review) €42.00 BDK PARFUMS Eau de Parfum, 10ml Add to basket
In stock All niche perfumes BOUQUET DE HONGRIE - 10ml BH10 €42.00 BDK PARFUMS Eau de Parfum, 10ml Add to basket
In stock All niche perfumes CORIANDER - 10ml 235/W/CORPP €72.00 Pocket perfume oil 10ml Coriander is fresh, green, pungent, and evocative of the grass, the expanse of fields, the sweeping sea. It is on these qualities that the fragrance Coriander is based. It is the coriander of the hills above Odessa on the Black Sea, fresh and pungent coriander heightened by sappy green lime peels and the aggressive herbal scrawl... Add to basket
In stock All niche perfumes BOWMAKERS - 10ml 153/W/BOWPP (1 review) €72.00 Pocket perfume oil 10ml Bowmakers is supposed to recall the opening of a violin case. There is the warm shellac of rosin and the luxuriance of mahogany and burled maple. It is a woody scent. The cold snap of birch in the whistling winter wind floats above the heart. The forest floor, slightly damp and blackened, pads out the bass (ha!) of the fragrance.... Add to basket
Out-of-Stock All niche perfumes GYPSY WATER ART0001 (1 review) €240.00 BYREDO Eau de Parfum, 100ml View